against ellipses

~micro-move alert~

I loved ellipses until I started working in a fully remote organization a few years ago. Then I found myself experiencing the digital communication version of a mosquito bite, over and over. It took me a while to put my finger on it. Once I saw it, I couldn’t un-see it. 

In email and Slack I found myself annoyed or even outraged when a teammate would close a sentence with those dang dots. They were so hard to interpret! They felt slippery and suggestive and vaguely critical - passive aggression brought to you by e e cummings.

My sleep-deprived preferences from 2020 aside, if you find yourself closing out statements with ellipses, consider replacing them. If you want to convey uncertainty, use a question mark. Ask a question. If you want to make a suggestion, use a period. Make a statement. Have the courage of your convictions. 

Otherwise, you might just be relying on those dots to convey latent anxiety of your own that leaves your reader mostly powerless to respond…



write your stuff and share it


ride-alongs are often underestimated